
What is an Index?

A Index is a set of documents that can be queried semantically in order to find similar documents. Our HTTP API supports low level indexing of text documents and file uploads. Opper will automatically chunk, generate embeddings and index the files, making them available for querying. Quering uses various strategies to retrieve the most relevant documents, such as semantic search with reranking. Filtering on meta data is also supported.

Create an Index

Indexing data

Here we fetch an existing Index and index an object

Indexing files

It is also possible to upload files of the following types: PDF, CSV, Txt. And have Opper automatically chunk and index the files in an optimal way.

For other file types or documents, the lower level index API can be used to upload and index the data.

Querying index

Querying an index is done by providing a query string and an optional filter. The query string is used to find the most semantically similar "chunks" in the index. A filter can optionally be used to narrow down the results.

Using Retrieval Results

You can use the results of the query in a function call like this:

Using the UI

On portal you can see all the indexes you have created. You can also use the portal to create, update and delete indexes.

List of indexes

Additional reading